5 Traits That Turn Off MOST Ukrainian Women

Lubov Demchuk
5 min readOct 25, 2021


Think about a woman from Ukraine. You might picture a tall, lithe woman with light-colored eyes and cheekbones sharper than your jaw could ever hope to be. In short, you’re thinking of someone who is beautiful, probably a supermodel. And maybe you find yourself wanting to be with someone like that.

Now, their supposed beauty is not the only reason to want to be with a Ukrainian woman. There are also their family values — their culture has taught them to prioritize marriage and children.

A guy that wants a traditional family structure will find himself with plenty to like when it comes to Ukrainian women.

Not to mention the fact that Ukraine’s gender ratio skews in favor of women, which means that a lot of women who would otherwise get married don’t really have the option to do so due to a lack of eligible bachelors.

That puts them in a “beggars can’t be choosers” type of situation wherein even if a guy isn’t all that and a bag of chips, he can still get a woman who would normally be out of his league otherwise.

Unfortunately, when you do date a woman from a foreign country, there’s so much you simply don’t know about her. You wouldn’t know about Ukrainian women turn-offs so you might end up waving red flags that make such women turn around and start walking in the other direction.

But knowing what those traits are that make the stomachs of Ukrainian women curdle with disgust is the first step in either eradicating those traits or minimizing them enough.

1. Not being family-oriented

In Ukraine, people are very traditional when it comes to their families. Fathers are the head, mothers are homemakers, and children must listen to their parents, even if they’re adults in their own rights.

So a person who doesn’t have a good relationship with his family isn’t someone that a lot of Ukrainian women aren’t going to want to be with. Sure, a guy like that might find a few cultural rebels, but the majority of women in Ukraine are very family-oriented and aren’t going to pay him a second thought.

Also, if a guy isn’t into the idea of meeting her family and gaining their approval, that’s a red flag to a lot of Ukrainian women. A guy is supposed to get the family’s approval before properly dating a girl in Ukraine so not adhering to that social norm is going to be jarring for a lot of Ukrainian women.

2. Thinking that they’re gold-diggers

Some romantic relationships aren’t built on things like mutual respect, attraction, or love. Some relationships are more transactional in nature. One person has money, the other person wants access to that money so they get with them and live the high life. The person with money doesn’t mind because the gold-digger has something that they want, something like physical beauty. A lot of these relationships can be mutually satisfying if a little emotionally hollow.

There are undoubtedly a number of women in Ukraine that have entered into such relationships. But a minority like that shouldn’t be representative of the whole and a lot of Ukrainian women, who are rather demure and conservative, might take umbrage at the implication that they’re willing to compromise on the emotional aspects of a relationship for material gain.

3. You’re a bit miserly with money.

In Ukraine, there’s an expectation that men are supposed to pay for everything. In families, there are supposed to be breadwinners. They bring home the bacon and the women are supposed to cook it and serve it with eggs and toast.

In dating, the man is expected to pay. If you’re coming from somewhere like the United States, this might be kind of new since the practice of going Dutch — where both parties pay for dates — has gotten a lot more popular as more and more women started having careers and making their own money.

A man doesn’t just have to pay for the dates. He should also do so with a smile on his face. If a guy grumbles or scowls about having to reach for his wallet, that’s going to make him look unattractive. Even something as little as a grimace when looking at the bill might be enough.

This is not to say that Ukrainian women only care about how much money a man has. It’s just that they were raised in a culture wherein a man has a duty to provide for his partner and his family.

4. Your profile is empty.

If a person is dating online and comes across a profile that’s as barren as the Rub’ al Khali, they’re not likely to match with that person, and women from Ukraine are the same way. If they come across a profile and it’s just a picture and some biographical information, they’re not likely to match with that person. He could be the man of their dreams and the lack of information on his profile is going to be suspicious enough that she’s walking to go in the other direction.

5. A lack of confidence

The somewhat traditional society of Ukraine has, to the surprise of approximately no one, a somewhat traditional view of masculinity. Men are expected to be masculine and part of that masculinity is confidence. If a guy is confident and stands tall and proud, then he’s not going to send Ukrainian girls running in the other direction.

If a guy isn’t those things, if he’s meek and he slouches, the girls aren’t going to run in the other direction because they’re not even going to notice him. Now, a guy that’s totally full of himself is going to repulse the women, so finding the right balance between humility and confidence is necessary.

There are a lot of traits a man can exhibit to attract women in Ukraine. But there are also a lot of traits that he can exhibit that will have the exact opposite effect.



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