Meeting Ukrainian Women: Is She Attracted or Just Being Nice?

Lubov Demchuk
5 min readOct 11, 2021


Men can often be dense when it comes to women. They may not always know how to read a woman’s moods or identify the subtext in the things that they say.

Maybe some people just get their wires crossed. Maybe there’s a language barrier and something gets lost in translation. Maybe some guys just ignore what a woman is saying because they don’t feel like they need to listen.

But if there’s one way in which men can often get women wrong, it’s in gauging romantic interest. You can sometimes underestimate or overestimate her interest, which in both cases is a major headache and a disaster waiting to happen.

This mistranslation in feelings can be particularly bad for men who are dating Ukrainian Women, and for good reason. You not only are dealing with an obvious language barrier — although to be honest English is becoming much more widely spoken — you are dealing with cultural barriers as well.

It then becomes tricky because you don’t know if she is reacting to you, or is simply being the way she is.

Why Women Have To Be Nice

A language barrier alone doesn’t always provide sufficient explanation for such a mistranslation.

There are some situations where a woman HAS to be nice. Take, for example, a waitress that’s a little too flirty. Sometimes, a guy can go to a restaurant and his waitress might be very friendly and maybe even a little affectionate. While it’s not outside the realm of possibility that she may have an actual interest in him, she’s also working on tips and her flirtiness might just be how she gets those tips.

Also, people in the service industry have to be friendly. Sadly, a lot of guys can mistake that friendliness as a sign of romantic interest. In fact, a lot of guys can mistake just about any kind of friendliness from a woman as a sign of romantic interest. Some women are just being nice but guys think it’s flirting.

There’s also fear. Some women are afraid that if they’re not nice to men, those men will react badly and start berating them or even worse. So they decide to be nice out of fear for their own mental and physical health.

Also, there’s the simple fact that some women are just nice in general. It’s in their nature to be warm and friendly to everyone that they meet regardless of whether or not they’re attracted to them.

Despite the fact that Ukraine’s gender ratio is imbalanced in their favor and their higher average educational attainment, Ukrainian women live in a patriarchal society. Women are taught to be demure, to make space for men, and to be accommodating towards them.

So they have to be accommodating towards men. A lot of guys can experience this accommodating nature and mistake it for deference, which they can then mistake for attraction.

Why Men Mistake Niceness As Attraction

Now, women are nice for a pretty wide variety of reasons and there are about as many reasons why men mistake that niceness for flirting or take it as a sign of attraction.

Some men are only nice to women when they’re attracted to them. If they’re not attracted to a woman, they’re apathetic or even abrasive. And because they’re only nice when there’s attraction involved, they see niceness from women as attraction as well.

There are also men who don’t have a lot of experience when it comes to romance and may not have the social skills needed to discern flirtation from politeness. They’ll see any positive interaction with a woman, or any positive interaction in general, as a sign that she’s attracted to him.

There are also guys who think that all women are attracted to them and assume that any form of politeness is them coming on to him.

Discerning Geniality For Flirtation

Some people express romantic interest in another person by being abrasive but not in a mean way but in a way that’s kind of loving, not in a way that’s overly mean. The toe the line at being a bit prickly without getting to the point where they’re bullying, like a backhanded compliment to test the waters and see how you take it.

On the other side of that, some people express romantic interest in another person by being polite and genial towards them, but some people are just genial in general. The trick is to determine what’s just general politeness and what’s a green light to ask them out.

  • If they ask about your day, they’re just making polite conversation. That’s just regular small talk. However, if they veer into the topic of your love life, then that might be them putting out a feeler.
    Like if you do something and they mention that your partner must appreciate that thing you just did, that’s them fishing for information regarding your relationship status. Sometimes it’s because they want to set you up with someone but other times it’s because the person they’re trying to set you up with is themselves.
    If they’re really interested, they might let it slip that they’re single. By doing this, they’re hoping that you’ll pick up what they’re putting down and ask them out on a date.
  • There’s also touching. If they give you a handshake, that’s them being polite. Handshakes are polite, after all. But if their touch lingers a little too long, that might be a sign that they’ve harbored a romantic interest in you.
  • There’s also their attention. If they’re just nodding along while you talk, then that’s just them trying not to offend you even when they’re probably zoned out. So pay attention to the look in their eyes when you’re talking. If their eyes are lit up, it’s because they’re engaged with what you’re saying and paying attention. This can indicate that you’re either charismatic or they’re interested in you.
  • There’s also body language. Some people will smile and all that to be polite. But if you want to know if someone is into you, look down at their feet. If they’re angled towards you, then that can be a sign of attraction.
    With some people, it won’t just be their feet. Some people will pivot their whole bodies in your direction if they’re romantically interested in you.

The latter two are of particular importance if you’re in Ukraine. Because there might be a language barrier involved, you might have to look for nonverbal signs of genuine romantic attraction and not just general politeness.

Being nice can often be misconstrued. All too often, people see things that aren’t there because they want to see those things. But a man who is looking for love is going to clear his vision.



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