Can Men Date Ukrainian Women Out of Their League?

Lubov Demchuk
5 min readSep 21, 2023

Do you know that romantic comedy She’s Out of My League? It depicts an average, almost subpar man dating a woman who’s both beautiful and successful.

A lot of the other characters comment that the man is maybe a five and that the woman is a solid ten. Nevertheless, they date and experience some ups and downs because it’s a romantic comedy, after all. Still, they end up together at the end of the film.

Photo by Kate Gundareva on Pexels

The film is a work of fiction, but the thing about art is that it sometimes imitates life. There are guys out in the world who are dating women who are either way more beautiful than they are or they’re in the same tax bracket as rock stars and superstar athletes. Sometimes, they’re even both. But the guy still gets the girl who, societally speaking, is several orders of magnitude above them.

On paper, it doesn’t make sense. Beautiful, successful people tend to gravitate towards other beautiful and successful people. But sometimes, someone deviates from what is perceived to be the norm and dates someone who is not in their league. Maybe they’re below their league or they’re above them.

But how does that happen, you might ask? How does an average guy get a girl that’s either more successful or more beautiful than he is? Well, it might seem impossible outside of romantic comedies, but it’s entirely possible.

Do you know where there are a lot of beautiful women?


Ukraine’s got plenty of beautiful women and there’s also the added bonus of numbers. With a population that’s mostly female and a society that encourages marriage as early as possible, a lot of the beautiful women in the country end up being single while their friends meet societal expectations by getting married and starting families.

This means that, as beautiful as they are, they find themselves open to settling and dating men whose physical attractiveness might not be on the same level as theirs. Because let’s face it. In the grand scheme of things, most men are probably out of their league.

But it’s not all about that, is it?

Don’t Psych Yourself Out

Sometimes people fail because they just can’t do it. They try as hard as they can, and they still end up falling short. Maybe the thing that they’re trying to accomplish is a legitimately impossible task or maybe they’re just built for a different task.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

But sometimes people fail because they’ve told themselves that they’re going to fail before they even start. By doing so, they set themselves up for failure by manifesting it. They tell themselves that they’re going to fail and that’s exactly what happens.

You shouldn’t do this. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Sure, you’re about to go after a beautiful Ukrainian woman, but not all Eastern European women are stoic supermodels. They’re people, too. It’s just that they’re so much prettier than most. So, don’t be intimidated by her, she probably doesn’t bite.

Instead, Psych Yourself Up

Do you know what happens to a kid who goes to their safety school? They get an opportunity for a college education. Maybe not what they wanted, but still something. In the same vein, you may not be what society expects a beautiful Ukrainian woman to settle for and down with, but you still have something to offer. Maybe you’re musically inclined–musical talent is near-universally attractive. Maybe you’re funny–that’s another thing that has a broad spectrum of appeal when it comes to romantic partners.

Whatever it is that you’ve got going for you, the fact is that it’s something that’s going for you and that something is attractive to the right people, even ones who are far more beautiful than you are.

Make Her Feel Special

It doesn’t matter how beautiful someone is. It doesn’t matter how successful they are. Everyone gets insecure sometimes. Maybe that beautiful woman you’ve been daydreaming about goes to the gym obsessively because she doesn’t like her cellulite or maybe someone close to her said that her thighs were a little pudgy. Maybe she’s under a lot of pressure at work even though she gives off the impression that she’s got everything handled and handled well.

Whatever it is, there are going to be times when she doesn’t feel like she’s enough. Times like that are when you come in. When she’s feeling down, you can lift her up. You can make her feel special. If you can do that, it won’t matter if society says that she’s a ten and you’re a five. In her eyes, you’ll be a perfect ten.

Try Some Self-Improvement

A lot of beautiful people are effortless in their beauty. They just wake up like that and then go about their days being beautiful. But other beautiful people look the way they do because they eat right and exercise regularly and take care of themselves.

Photo by Lexa Nicole on Pexels

Some people are born into success. Their parents were the right people or they knew the right people. They were handed the keys to the kingdom as soon as they were born. Other people claw their way up.

The point is that while some people are just innately beautiful and successful, a lot of beautiful and successful people start pretty near the bottom. So if you’re going after a girl that’s out of your league and you don’t think you’re good enough, then bring yourself up to her level.

At the end of the day, there’s no getting with a girl out of your league unless you actually go for it. You can tell yourself all the reasons that you could succeed. You could start hitting the gym regularly and get a promotion at work. But all that effort will be for naught if you don’t take the first step and actually go and pursue a woman that’s out of your league. You’re either going to fail or you’re going to succeed, but nothing’s going to happen if you don’t give the old college a try.



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