The Perfect Gift You Can Give Your Partner
“Why Should I Be Giving a Gift?”
First, you need to understand the purpose of gift-giving. You wouldn’t want to buy gifts for the sake of giving one. A study shows that giving gifts predates pre-civilization periods. It was one way to prove a person’s love, loyalty, and generosity to another. It’s a pre-mating process studied about the animal kingdom such as penguins, and other social animals.
During prehistoric times, men would find pieces of animal bones with interesting shapes, smooth-looking rocks, or even the fur of dead mammals to give to their wives or partners. In pre-colonial times, tribal chiefs would hand gifts of newly hunted animals to the other chiefs to show they were loyal and form a brotherhood. When creating relationships, gifts are a way of showing gratitude, purpose, and even love.
Before modern times, noblemen or men of status would gift whoever they were courting either perfume, bouquets, or sweets because when they think of women, they think of sweet scents and tastes, gentleness, and beauty. Somehow what was done in the past is still relevant in this modern age, except people are now more creative with their gifts.
Now, you question yourself, “What does it have to do with me giving my partner a gift?”
The answer? It’s to form a closer bond with each other. Giving something that has meaning or pure thought into the item signifies that you were thinking of your partner. If giving a gift is not your love language, it’s fine. It’s a form of appreciation and affection; your partner will not only feel appreciated but they will also feel connected with you.
If they choose to reciprocate, that’s great! But don’t always expect something in return. You opted to give a gift because you wanted to, and not to ask a favor in return.
What’s Perfect for a Gift?
The perfect gift doesn’t have to be luxurious or grand. If you have no idea what to give your partner, or if you’re confused about what gift to get, then why not do some small talk with your partner and take hints from your conversation? Actively listen to them on what they want, within budgeting reasons.
What represents your partner? What reminds you of them? Or what have you noticed about them? Maybe they love a box of croissants more than a bag of sourdough bread or prefer chocolate-glazed doughnuts over honey-glazed ones.
Is your partner a working professional? If yes, try giving them something that helps them in their work or something that gives a little boost to their mood. A planner with their name engraved on the spine sounds classy, or a picture frame with the both of you to be placed in their workspace.
If your partner is not into materialistic items, then this is when you can be creative. Arts and crafts may sound a little corny, but it proves there’s effort in gifting one. Try to find some trendy crafted gifts you can recreate. A good old little art project to show your partner how much you love them.
It shouldn’t matter if you’re not artistically talented or skilled, what matters is the effort in creating a gift for them. Cut-outs and collages of your pictures in a box or a handkerchief sewn with their initials would be a good project to start.
So, what are you waiting for? Get your partner that “perfect” gift!