Ukrainian Women : An Answer for Men Seeking a Traditional Wife?

Lubov Demchuk
5 min readAug 30, 2023
Photo by Alisa on Pexels

In Ukraine, there are certain types of things that are expected of the people on the basis of their gender. Men are expected to act a certain way and women are encouraged to want certain things.

Whereas men are expected to be the ones who protect and provide for the family, women are expected to be able to keep house and take care of the family.

Making money to pay for everything is something that’s expected of men. But making sure that money translates to food on the table is what’s expected of women.

To some, that type of setup might seem archaic. A lot of people don’t see anything wrong with the women being the ones to bring home the bacon and the men being the ones to cook it and serve it with eggs and toast.

But there are people out there for whom that’s the ideal setup, whether or not it’s archaic. They want the life that’s traditional, the thing that they grew up with and saw with their parents. They want the life that they’ve idealized in their head.

Now, if you happen to be a guy who wants that kind of life, dating Ukrainian women just might be the way for you to go. The culture of Ukraine makes it so that women want something traditional, which sort of makes them perfect for men who also want something that harkens back to a bygone era.

The traditional gender roles that a lot of older people grew up with are more strictly observed in countries like Ukraine than they are in the west.

Marriage is encouraged

In Ukraine, women are encouraged to get married as soon as possible. They’re not encouraged to play the field. They’re encouraged to find a man and get married and start a family as soon as they’re able to do so.

The average age for a woman to first get married in Ukraine is 25. That’s slightly younger than the 28 years in America and significantly younger than the age of around 31 in the United Kingdom.

When a Ukrainian woman dates someone, they’re not doing so just for the sake of dating. Flings and casual dalliances aren’t a thing. When they date someone, they do so with the intent that they’ll eventually marry them.

If you’re looking for something casual, Ukraine may not be the place for you. If you’re looking for something that’s going to turn into something permanent, then Ukraine may be the place for you.

Photo by Dmitriy Ganin on Pexels

Men are supposed to foot the bill for everything

In the west, the practice of going Dutch — going out on a date wherein both people contribute towards the bill — has gained popularity thanks to women making their own money and couples that don’t fall into traditional gender roles.

But there are men out there who balk at the thought of the women they’re on dates reaching for their wallets and pulling out cash or cards.

That mindset of being the one to foot the bill at the end of the night will serve men well in Ukraine. Men are expected to pay for practically everything in a romantic relationship so a guy who doesn’t like going Dutch is going to find Ukraine’s cultural expectations enjoyable.

It doesn’t matter if all the man has is the free bread and water and the woman orders a full course meal — the man is to reach for his wallet when the waiter brings the check.

Man of the house

In Ukraine, the family structure is such that the man is the head. His word carries the most weight. It’s not exactly law, per se. But it’s pretty close to it.

There are a lot of places in the west where the family structure is more egalitarian, wherein both couples have an equal say in everything.

Now, for a lot of people, the egalitarian partnership works well. But there are a lot of people who want something that’s more traditional. Ukrainian women are encouraged not just to get married as soon as they can, but to defer to their husbands when they do get hitched.

That’s not to say that they have no say in the house. It’s just that the decisions ultimately fall on the man’s shoulders.

Chivalry’s not dead yet

There are some behaviors that are expected of men, certain things that they’re supposed to do when they’re with women. Behaviors that have fallen out of favor in western countries to some extent.

But those behaviors are still in vogue in countries like Ukraine. If a woman is carrying something heavy, a man is expected to take it off her hands. If there’s a door in a woman’s way, then a man is expected to open it up for her.

So a guy who fancies himself as some sort of modern day knight in shining armor might find that his chivalrous nature being well-received in Ukraine.

Family values

In many western countries, some married couples put off having kids in order to focus on their careers. Some married couples never have kids at all because they see their partner as all the family they need.

But that’s not the case in Ukraine. In Ukraine, not only are people encouraged to get married relatively young, they’re also encouraged to pop out babies as soon as possible. So a guy who’s looking to settle down and start a nuclear family like in older society may find that Ukraine is full of family-oriented potential partners.

Love takes a lot of forms. Some people want to be free to love as many people as they can. Other people want to find someone to tie themselves to. And the kind of love they want differs. Some people want a full and equal partnership, one wherein the power dynamic with their partner isn’t skewed in either direction.

And some people want something that’s a bit more traditional. Some people want a housewife and some people want to be a housewife.



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