Relationship Advice
Love in Progress: Why You Should Seek Couple’s Counseling
Have you and your partner ever had that sinking feeling that you’re both physically present together, but it feels like you’re drifting away from each other?
Are you experiencing a lack of intimacy?
You know what the problems are, but you don’t know which ones to focus on.
You can’t call on your friends to mediate for you, because while you appreciate their support, they don’t always give the right advice. Nor could you ask for your parents’ help — they have biases, and sometimes they have not experienced the same problems, making it hard to relate.
So maybe it’s time you got couple’s counseling no?
Why Do We Need Couple’s Counseling?
Anyone from the ages of 20 years old and beyond is welcome for a consultation. There’s no need to be shy whether you’re young or old. See, the benefits of couple’s counseling outweigh the cons. Sure, you’re having another person outside of your relationship interfere with your affairs, but they’re professionally tasked to help identify your problems and offer ideas on how you can solve them.
Just like having leaky pipes, you need to call someone who knows how to fix it, right? Although, you could do it yourself — if you knew how. But the majority of the time you don’t, so you have to call a plumber. Likewise, relationships require professional help whenever there’s a serious problem arising or whenever your relationship is headed downhill.
So, what are some of the benefits of couples counseling?
Improved communication. A lack of communication is often the most common cause of relationship problems. But while it’s easy to say that you have communication problems with your partner, it’s usually difficult to address them. Pride may cause one or both to disregard this problem.
A professional will be able to pinpoint the cause of your communication problem, whether it’s because of pride or some underlying issue. A counselor can help you express your needs clearly and listen to your partner actively to reduce misunderstandings.
Building trust. It’s not surprising that trust issues eventually develop in your relationship over time. But what makes this a concern is when you let it fester, causing you to lose trust in each other. This can lead to doubt, resentment, and in worse cases, infidelity.
With proper guidance, a couple can address trust issues stemming from communication breakdowns, past trauma, or infidelity.
Better conflict resolution. Conflict is part of a healthy relationship. But when the conflict becomes consistent and constant, it develops into a toxic relationship dynamic. Conflict becomes a norm, and loss of respect is inevitable.
A counselor can provide couples with constructive strategies to address disagreements and find solutions that work for both partners.
Some testimonies say they feel more connected with their partners after getting couples counseling. It was not only the activities and programs that made them connect, but the methods by which they communicated with each other allowed them to mature and improve their intimacy. Some even claim they feel like their spark has been reignited with a fiery passion. Others say that they’re experiencing the same happiness they did when they first dated.
The Right Time to Seek Couple’s Counseling
When to seek couple’s counseling is a question asked time and again. The answer — anytime’s as good a time as any. You don’t necessarily need to wait until something bad happens. Couple’s counseling can be done proactively, any time you want, regardless if you need it or not. A professional consultation for your relationship helps boost morale and understanding.
Ask your partner whether they’re open to the idea of seeking a professional couple’s therapist. It would be useless if you seek counsel on your own. Once you both agree to set a schedule, just make sure your minds are open to new suggestions, criticism, and opinions. Remember, this is to help better your relationship with each other.